Well, I'll admit that I am looking forward to getting back on facebook, but not in an obsessive, addictive kind of way. I miss a lot of my friends, and I miss being in "the know." Now don't get me wrong, sometimes ignorance really is bliss. I missed some drama, and that is always a good thing. I think I need to lay down some ground rules for myself. Otherwise, I can see how I could potentially start spending way too much time on it.
1. The kids must be asleep prior to going on Facebook. I can't neglect them when they're napping or down for the night.
2. The house must be tidy prior to going on Facebook. Dishes done, toys and other things picked up.
3. I have a maximum of 30 minutes each time I'm on Facebook.
Hopefully these rules help me realize that FB is not at the top of my priority list. The question I now have to ask myself is: What will become of my blog? Is it obsolete? Nah, I suppose I can update it now and then. 80)
Okay, time to enjoy this lovely day with my kiddos!

Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
My life has been pretty boring lately. At least probably too boring to blog about it. Or maybe I'd rather relax and/or nap when I have a free hour to myself than talk about all the uninteresting facets of my life. Well anyway, let's play a little catch up.
My mind is blank. I can't think of anything exciting to write about.
See, this is why I don't blog.
Well, last Friday we had our second monthly Mommies of Blessings meeting. It was small and low-key, but a good time. I'm really looking forward to November's meeting, because I think we'll have a great turnout. Plus it's a craft night, and I've got tons of scrapbooking to do! Speaking of that, I ordered over 200 photos last week, and finally got them last night. I'm anxious to get started on some new layouts.
Deuce had a doctor's appointment on Monday, and he has gained no weight no gotten longer. Kinda weird. He was in the 105th and 95th percentiles for length and weight respectively, and now he's closer to the 60-70th percentiles. We need to check back in a month to make sure he's growing. I can't explain his lack of length growth, but he has been moving a lot, which is probably why he didn't gain weight.
Josie is still teeny. She still can't wear a lot of her 24 month clothes. She's a great eater, so I'm not exactly sure why she isn't gaining much weight. We're trying to give her more high calorie foods like cookies and ice cream and soda. Totally kidding of course.
What else?
Last night, Mo, Raven, Kim and I surprised our friend Julie to a Girls Night Out! Her husband was in on it too. We made signs saying "We <3 You!" and "Surprise Girls Night!!" and stood outside her door making noise until she came out. She had no clue! And thankfully, she was in the mood to go out haha! We ended up going to Culver's and ordering cheese curds, onion rings and custard. I totally stuffed my face as usual. We all sat and talked for over 2 hours, but it didn't feel long enough. It was a really great time just hanging out! Plus, Julie said she had fun, and that's what matters most.
And to make matters even better, the kids were so good for Justin. I drove separately just in case he really needed me to come home, but thankfully he didn't. Deuce went to bed easily before 8, and Josie shortly after 9. I wish it were like that every time I have to put the kids to bed.
Speaking of beds, we're talking about moving the kids down to the main floor. For those who have never been to our house, there are 2 small rooms off the living room and kitchen currently being used as a playroom and a spare bedroom. If we move Josie and Deuce downstairs, I'm not sure what we'll do with the extra bed. Currently their room is enormous and directly connected to our "bedroom." I use that word loosely, because it's really a landing at the top of the stairs. Anyway, I think it would be really cool if we could make the big room into a tv & movie watching/ game playing/ book reading/ relaxing space for us and friends. Maybe it would be a little weird to walk through our bedroom to get there, but anyone who has an issue with that probably isn't our friend anyway. It's just too bad Divine Design is located in Toronto, because I bet Candice Olsen could make that space like awesome! We've got a lot of work cut out for us, but I think it could be fun. 80)
Justin has been on 1st shift for the last couple of weeks. He was asked to help out for a month with a good possibility of it being a longer term situation. Unfortunately, that's not the case, and he'll only be on 1st for another week. He's going to be going to Oklahoma for some job training soon. At least he won't be gone as long as he was last time. When he gets back, he'll be back on 3rd shift until something else comes along.
Tonight is bible study. I really hope we can go as a family, since we haven't been to church together for awhile now. This past Sunday, I went with just Deuce, while Justin stayed home with poopy Josie. And the week before that, Justin went by himself and I stayed home with both kids.
Tomorrow there's gonna be a big shindig over at Kim and Ty's house. I don't know what the plans are, but I hope the guys don't do their thing, and leave the girls to tend to all the children. I'm sure we'll have a good time just hanging out! Kim said she's making a cake to celebrate Raven and my birthdays haha. Raven's was on the 18th, and mine is this coming Saturday.
And you know what happens on my birthday? I turn 31. Holy cow I'm old. (Shannon, if you're reading this, I'm sorry I missed your birthday! I hope you had a great day!) Also, my 2 months without Facebook come to an end. It'll be weird getting on after so long. I really want to limit my time so I'm not consumed by it. My blog will be pretty outdated then - or at least the name will haha.
My mother in law is coming into town next week, and staying until Tuesday. I definitely have intentions of taking advantage of a short-term live-in babysitter. Hopefully, Justin and I will get to go on a date. We're taking Josie to a Fall party and trick or treating in South Milwaukee on the 31st while Judy watches Deuce. It will be nice to give Josie some 2 on 1 attention, which she hasn't had since Deuce was born. We're cheap, and she's going as an Ohio State cheerleader since she already had the outfit. I'd like to get some fun red ribbons for her hair, and maybe decorate a bag/bowl to look like a pom-pom. Other than that, I'm not spending any money. I'm also hoping to go to Joann's sans children to get some scrapbook supplies. Hopefully I'll get to spend a little time with Judy while she's here!
After she leaves, the kids and I are driving to Toledo to visit my parents. Last time my mom came up, my dad wanted to come, but had to stay back because of work. I figured he'd really like to see the kids especially. I don't know what we'll do, but it should be a good time. I might even bring scrapbook stuff to work on!
Okay, apparently I did have a lot to write about. Now, I better find out what my children are doing!
My mind is blank. I can't think of anything exciting to write about.
See, this is why I don't blog.
Well, last Friday we had our second monthly Mommies of Blessings meeting. It was small and low-key, but a good time. I'm really looking forward to November's meeting, because I think we'll have a great turnout. Plus it's a craft night, and I've got tons of scrapbooking to do! Speaking of that, I ordered over 200 photos last week, and finally got them last night. I'm anxious to get started on some new layouts.
Deuce had a doctor's appointment on Monday, and he has gained no weight no gotten longer. Kinda weird. He was in the 105th and 95th percentiles for length and weight respectively, and now he's closer to the 60-70th percentiles. We need to check back in a month to make sure he's growing. I can't explain his lack of length growth, but he has been moving a lot, which is probably why he didn't gain weight.
Josie is still teeny. She still can't wear a lot of her 24 month clothes. She's a great eater, so I'm not exactly sure why she isn't gaining much weight. We're trying to give her more high calorie foods like cookies and ice cream and soda. Totally kidding of course.
What else?
Last night, Mo, Raven, Kim and I surprised our friend Julie to a Girls Night Out! Her husband was in on it too. We made signs saying "We <3 You!" and "Surprise Girls Night!!" and stood outside her door making noise until she came out. She had no clue! And thankfully, she was in the mood to go out haha! We ended up going to Culver's and ordering cheese curds, onion rings and custard. I totally stuffed my face as usual. We all sat and talked for over 2 hours, but it didn't feel long enough. It was a really great time just hanging out! Plus, Julie said she had fun, and that's what matters most.
And to make matters even better, the kids were so good for Justin. I drove separately just in case he really needed me to come home, but thankfully he didn't. Deuce went to bed easily before 8, and Josie shortly after 9. I wish it were like that every time I have to put the kids to bed.
Speaking of beds, we're talking about moving the kids down to the main floor. For those who have never been to our house, there are 2 small rooms off the living room and kitchen currently being used as a playroom and a spare bedroom. If we move Josie and Deuce downstairs, I'm not sure what we'll do with the extra bed. Currently their room is enormous and directly connected to our "bedroom." I use that word loosely, because it's really a landing at the top of the stairs. Anyway, I think it would be really cool if we could make the big room into a tv & movie watching/ game playing/ book reading/ relaxing space for us and friends. Maybe it would be a little weird to walk through our bedroom to get there, but anyone who has an issue with that probably isn't our friend anyway. It's just too bad Divine Design is located in Toronto, because I bet Candice Olsen could make that space like awesome! We've got a lot of work cut out for us, but I think it could be fun. 80)
Justin has been on 1st shift for the last couple of weeks. He was asked to help out for a month with a good possibility of it being a longer term situation. Unfortunately, that's not the case, and he'll only be on 1st for another week. He's going to be going to Oklahoma for some job training soon. At least he won't be gone as long as he was last time. When he gets back, he'll be back on 3rd shift until something else comes along.
Tonight is bible study. I really hope we can go as a family, since we haven't been to church together for awhile now. This past Sunday, I went with just Deuce, while Justin stayed home with poopy Josie. And the week before that, Justin went by himself and I stayed home with both kids.
Tomorrow there's gonna be a big shindig over at Kim and Ty's house. I don't know what the plans are, but I hope the guys don't do their thing, and leave the girls to tend to all the children. I'm sure we'll have a good time just hanging out! Kim said she's making a cake to celebrate Raven and my birthdays haha. Raven's was on the 18th, and mine is this coming Saturday.
And you know what happens on my birthday? I turn 31. Holy cow I'm old. (Shannon, if you're reading this, I'm sorry I missed your birthday! I hope you had a great day!) Also, my 2 months without Facebook come to an end. It'll be weird getting on after so long. I really want to limit my time so I'm not consumed by it. My blog will be pretty outdated then - or at least the name will haha.
My mother in law is coming into town next week, and staying until Tuesday. I definitely have intentions of taking advantage of a short-term live-in babysitter. Hopefully, Justin and I will get to go on a date. We're taking Josie to a Fall party and trick or treating in South Milwaukee on the 31st while Judy watches Deuce. It will be nice to give Josie some 2 on 1 attention, which she hasn't had since Deuce was born. We're cheap, and she's going as an Ohio State cheerleader since she already had the outfit. I'd like to get some fun red ribbons for her hair, and maybe decorate a bag/bowl to look like a pom-pom. Other than that, I'm not spending any money. I'm also hoping to go to Joann's sans children to get some scrapbook supplies. Hopefully I'll get to spend a little time with Judy while she's here!
After she leaves, the kids and I are driving to Toledo to visit my parents. Last time my mom came up, my dad wanted to come, but had to stay back because of work. I figured he'd really like to see the kids especially. I don't know what we'll do, but it should be a good time. I might even bring scrapbook stuff to work on!
Okay, apparently I did have a lot to write about. Now, I better find out what my children are doing!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
There Ain't No Time for a Donut When God is in the House
An evangelist named Jeremy Prohaska is preaching at church every night this week, and I know that God is going to keep revealing Himself. Here are some of the things I got from tonight's sermon:
Isaiah 6:1-8.
In the year King Uzziah died,
Isaiah 6:1-8.
In the year King Uzziah died,
- King Uzziah did what was right in the eyes of the LORD. He sought God during the days of Zechariah. As long as he sought the LORD, God gave him success. 2 Chronicles 26:4-5.
- Pride was King Uzziah's downfall. While trying to light incense in the temple (something only the Levites, who were consecrated to do so), he was suddenly stricken with a skin disease, and eventually died from it.
- It wasn't until after King Uzziah died that
- King Uzziah represents everything that hinders us from seeing God.
- Isaiah saw the Lord, and lived to tell about it!
- God is HOLY!
- He is high and lifted up, greater than anything on this earth.
- If we could just get a glimpse of God's glory...
- Seraph literally means "burning ones."
- Isaiah's vision of Seraphim is the only one that refers to celestial beings
- The seraphim fly around and shout nonstop,
- The LORD Almighty is holy,
- The whole earth is full of his glory.
- Holiness means absolute purity - in both action and thought.
- No special effects here, just God's holiness
- I'm trying to imagine something so awesome and powerful
- Isaiah was a prophet, a man of God, at least by human standards.
- Yet when he stood before the LORD, his sin was revealed.
- When we truly see God for who He is, we realize how far from Him we are.
- First Isaiah realized that he was (generally) a sinner ("I am ruined").
- Then he realized that he was (more specifically) a man of unclean lips.
- And he was surrounded by people of unclean lips
- The presence of God reveals our sins to us - and sometimes others.
- We must be wowed by God again.
- We are constantly trying to bring God down to our level, when we need to be rising up to His.
- 1 Peter 1:15-16 - Be holy because God is holy.
- In the same way the coal cleansed Isaiah, the blood of Jesus cleanses our sins.
- Jesus was the ultimate atonement for our sins.
- This was not a commandment on God's part, but a volunteering on Isaiah's part.
- Isaiah was committed to God personally. We must be committed to Jesus Christ, the person, not the cause of Christianity.
- Would that I have the boldness to say (and mean) "Send me!"
Friday, October 1, 2010
Where Have I Been?
Okay, it's harder keeping up a blog than I thought, especially with a 2 year old and an almost 8 month old. I don't even know what has happened since I last blogged 16 days ago. Please don't mind the bevy of random thoughts.
I'm over halfway through my facebook fast. I don't miss it at all. That's not to say I won't log on October 23 and attempt to catch up.
I've gained 6 pounds in the past couple months. Today I got back on the Weight Watchers wagon for the 400th time. If I'm going to meet my goal in late February, I've got to get my act in gear.
Deuce is crawling all over the place, and even pulling himself up to his knees. I wonder if he'll be our early walker. I can't get over how good looking he is. I think it's all that hair he has combined with his blue eyes. He is also enormous. He and Josie can basically wear the same size clothes.
Speaking of Josie, how can someone be so adorable and aggravating at the same time? She's been quite noisy lately. I've been trying to teach her to use her inside voice, with no success. I know it's just a phase, so I'm not too worried, but the yelling, screaming and crying does get annoying.
On a positive note, she is learning more and more words and phrases. I love that she knows all of her letters and she can count up to 15. As much as she likes books, I hope she becomes an avid reader.
I've been going to The Church in Wisconsin for 2 months, and I'm finally starting to get used to it. I admit, it doesn't quite feel like home, but I know that's only a matter of time. I'm growing spiritually, so I can't complain. I still miss Pastor David though.
Last Friday was our first Mommies of Blessings meeting. MOBs is a group for moms with kids in grade school or younger that I'm helping to lead. Our first meeting was a success! I can't wait till the next one in a couple weeks!
My mom was in town for a few days this past week. It's always nice when the grandmas visit, because that means I get a little bit of a break. It was a pretty low-key week, but we did spend most of the day at Bayshore Mall. I didn't realize that the distance between my house and Bayshore is about the same as to Southridge. I think I'm going to visit Bayshore a little more often, because it is so nice.
On Wednesday, we ditched church and went out to eat instead, while my mom babysat the kids. Justin and I and Jon and Mo went to Comet Cafe on the East side of Milwaukee. Justin and Jon each got this enormous sandwich called the Local Yokel. Mo's meal "sucked," and I got the old standby - a marinated tofu sandwich. To all you haters out there - it was delicious.
We went to Culver's for dessert. I'm kinda anxious to try the new pumpkin cheesecake concrete mixer. I'll save it for a day when I have lots of points leftover.
Yesterday I took the kids for a walk/run by the lake. We went past the condos on Lake Drive, and then around to the trail on the lake side of the buildings. It's so pretty being that close to the lake, but I wish there was a little more shade. The kids were baking, and uncomfortable. That's when I started running to try to get to the wooded area where it's more shady.
I really like the show Parenthood. It's entertaining and I really like the characters. Last night, Raven came over and we watched 3 episodes together. We also ate some yummy, homemade kettle corn, M&Ms and apple crisp. (I can't figure out why I gained any weight...). Afterward, we had some girl talk, which I always love.
This morning, the kids and I went to TCIW for a weekly playdate. This is the first time we went though. It was nice talking with a few girls from church. I don't know if we'll get there every week, but I'll try to get there every once in awhile.
Well, the house is a mess. I've got dishes today, laundry to wash, toys to pick up, floors to clean, and a daughter to tend to. I'll try not to wait as long to check in next time.
I'm over halfway through my facebook fast. I don't miss it at all. That's not to say I won't log on October 23 and attempt to catch up.
I've gained 6 pounds in the past couple months. Today I got back on the Weight Watchers wagon for the 400th time. If I'm going to meet my goal in late February, I've got to get my act in gear.
Deuce is crawling all over the place, and even pulling himself up to his knees. I wonder if he'll be our early walker. I can't get over how good looking he is. I think it's all that hair he has combined with his blue eyes. He is also enormous. He and Josie can basically wear the same size clothes.
Speaking of Josie, how can someone be so adorable and aggravating at the same time? She's been quite noisy lately. I've been trying to teach her to use her inside voice, with no success. I know it's just a phase, so I'm not too worried, but the yelling, screaming and crying does get annoying.
On a positive note, she is learning more and more words and phrases. I love that she knows all of her letters and she can count up to 15. As much as she likes books, I hope she becomes an avid reader.
I've been going to The Church in Wisconsin for 2 months, and I'm finally starting to get used to it. I admit, it doesn't quite feel like home, but I know that's only a matter of time. I'm growing spiritually, so I can't complain. I still miss Pastor David though.
Last Friday was our first Mommies of Blessings meeting. MOBs is a group for moms with kids in grade school or younger that I'm helping to lead. Our first meeting was a success! I can't wait till the next one in a couple weeks!
My mom was in town for a few days this past week. It's always nice when the grandmas visit, because that means I get a little bit of a break. It was a pretty low-key week, but we did spend most of the day at Bayshore Mall. I didn't realize that the distance between my house and Bayshore is about the same as to Southridge. I think I'm going to visit Bayshore a little more often, because it is so nice.
On Wednesday, we ditched church and went out to eat instead, while my mom babysat the kids. Justin and I and Jon and Mo went to Comet Cafe on the East side of Milwaukee. Justin and Jon each got this enormous sandwich called the Local Yokel. Mo's meal "sucked," and I got the old standby - a marinated tofu sandwich. To all you haters out there - it was delicious.
We went to Culver's for dessert. I'm kinda anxious to try the new pumpkin cheesecake concrete mixer. I'll save it for a day when I have lots of points leftover.
Yesterday I took the kids for a walk/run by the lake. We went past the condos on Lake Drive, and then around to the trail on the lake side of the buildings. It's so pretty being that close to the lake, but I wish there was a little more shade. The kids were baking, and uncomfortable. That's when I started running to try to get to the wooded area where it's more shady.
I really like the show Parenthood. It's entertaining and I really like the characters. Last night, Raven came over and we watched 3 episodes together. We also ate some yummy, homemade kettle corn, M&Ms and apple crisp. (I can't figure out why I gained any weight...). Afterward, we had some girl talk, which I always love.
This morning, the kids and I went to TCIW for a weekly playdate. This is the first time we went though. It was nice talking with a few girls from church. I don't know if we'll get there every week, but I'll try to get there every once in awhile.
Well, the house is a mess. I've got dishes today, laundry to wash, toys to pick up, floors to clean, and a daughter to tend to. I'll try not to wait as long to check in next time.
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