Sunday, October 30, 2011
Life is but a Vapor
Today I found out that one of my classmates (from kindergarten to high school graduation) died as a result of childbirth complications. I'm from a small town, and there were less than 80 students in my graduating class. So everyone knew everyone. Mandi was her name. She had an identical twin sister named Abi. I haven't been in touch with either of them for a long time. I suppose not being on FB has something to do with that. For some reason, when I heard the news, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I cried a lot today. I don't know any details about what exactly happened. One thing I know is that the baby survived - a girl they named Abigail after her aunt. It pains me to think about what her husband, parents, sisters, brother, in-laws and close friends are going through right now. I'm upset as a result of empathy for her loved ones, not because I've lost a good friend. Although, I have always liked Mandi. As far as I can remember, she was always nice to me and to others. I also think this hits a little closer to home, not only because I knew her, but because I'm pregnant. Maternal mortality rates were always a statistic that meant little to me. I guess that's how statistics are: pointless until you know someone who is a statistic. I know that pretty much all death is tragic, but is there anything worse than going to the hospital with your wife, expecting your first baby, and then losing your wife in the process? The emotional rollercoaster has got to be almost unbearable. I pray that God would give everyone close to Mandi peace that surpasses understanding, that they would find comfort that defies logic and that their hearts would heal soon.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
It's not like *nothing* has been going on these last few weeks; I've just lost motivation to update my blog lately. And even if something interesting happens, it might not be interesting to anyone else. It's hard to say when I don't know who (if anyone haha) reads my blog. I'm not sure if I've even been missed. ;0) Anyway, let's see if I can share what's been going on lately.
I'm 17 weeks pregnant. We should be able to find out the sex of the baby soon. I just need to make an appointment for an ultrasound. I've gotten to hear the heartbeat twice, at two different appointments with the midwife. Speaking of midwives, I have a new one this time around. She seems very nice and motherly. I think she'll bring a different dynamic to this next homebirth. I still haven't decided who I want to be here, besides Justin and of course, the midwife. I don't feel like I need a natural birth expert, because I pretty much know what I'm doing. But on the other hand, I don't want nobody to be here (that's a double negative, but I meant it that way haha). I know I'm the one doing the hard work, but it's a very stressful time for Justin, and sometimes he needs to be able to step away for a few minutes. So, I'd like at least one other person to be there, just in case. I'm going to keep thinking and praying about it before I make a final decision. (I jokingly suggested to Justin that I have my three closest friends here while he and their husbands hang out in the backyard. He thought that was a fabulous idea lol.)
My parents came to town last weekend. Well, they were here from Thursday to Sunday. It was a nice, but quick visit. Justin and I and my parents went out to dinner while Alana, Justin's sister, watched the kiddos for a few hours. Then on Friday, while Justin was sleeping, the kids and I went to Brown Deer where my parents' hotel was. We hung out, went to a pumpkin farm/petting zoo, the kids swam in the hotel pool (with Grandma and Grandpa), and then we went out for pizza. It was a very full day! Saturday was pretty low-key. My parents took the kids up to the park and spent plenty of time playing with them throughout the day. We had dinner at our house, which I cooked (except Mom helped with the mashed potatoes). And then on Sunday, I skipped church. We went out for brunch instead. Then afterward, we went mattress shopping, and bought Josie a big girl bed (ie twin) and bedding! And by we, I mean my parents bought it, which is totally awesome. Her room looks great now, I think! Anyway, they left Sunday afternoon. All in all it was a really great visit. I just wish they didn't live so far away.
Oh yeah, Sunday was my birthday. I turned 32. It was pretty uneventful. I got some nice gifts from my parents, including a gift card to Archiver's! I can't wait to go shopping! Justin has given me permission to get a pedicure, so I'll take advantage of that soon too. I think I'm finally starting to look my age. I'm noticing more wrinkles on my face and a few grey hairs. Honestly, I don't mind the grey hairs too much unless they're right at the front of my hair line and sticking straight up. Those suckers get plucked out of my head. For now at least, I don't want to pluck myself bald. haha
Justin turns the big 4-0 in February, and I'm working on a big surprise for him. I know he hates the idea of being the center of attention, so I'm not throwing him a party. I've been saving up and earning money on my own to pay for this surprise. I've been baking cookies and bread and selling them to anyone interested. I've also been saving most of my spending money, which hasn't been easy. But between now and the end of February, I should definitely have enough cash for what I'm planning. (I know Justin doesn't read my blog, but I don't want to say exactly what my plans are, just in case.)
I've really been enjoying church lately. The kids are getting better being in service, and hopefully, they're getting a tiny nugget of truth here and there. Another great thing about church is all the friends I have there. And they're not just friends because we hang out, but friends that hold me accountable and pray for me and are good examples of Christ for me. I am so very blessed!
We had "revival services" the week before last, and they were fantastic! I didn't get to go to every one, but the ones I did attend were really awesome. I especially liked one message, which was mostly about rejecting the Holy Spirit. I haven't been moved that much by a sermon in a really long time. I did listen to it later online, and wasn't moved to tears again, but there is a lot of good meat for sure. Here's the sermon, if you're interested in listening to it.
I'm leading a mother's group called Mommies of Blessings, and it's been quite successful so far. I missed the last meeting, since my parents were in town, but the September meeting was awesome. (I can't remember if I blogged about it or not.) There are about 12 or so women that get together once a month to get to know each other better, pray together, and discuss a different topic at each meeting. We're also trying to meet on a different day with our children for a fun activity once a month. I've taken on quite a bit of responsibility preparing for the meetings, but I've learned that it's just as good (if not better) to go with the flow. I'm really looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in and through this group of Christian mommies!
I'm sure there is plenty I could say about my kids right now. But since this is already a pretty long blog, I'll write about them a different day. Hopefully, it won't take me three weeks to blog again. But if it does, assume it means I'm living life to the fullest with my wonderful family! 80)
I'm 17 weeks pregnant. We should be able to find out the sex of the baby soon. I just need to make an appointment for an ultrasound. I've gotten to hear the heartbeat twice, at two different appointments with the midwife. Speaking of midwives, I have a new one this time around. She seems very nice and motherly. I think she'll bring a different dynamic to this next homebirth. I still haven't decided who I want to be here, besides Justin and of course, the midwife. I don't feel like I need a natural birth expert, because I pretty much know what I'm doing. But on the other hand, I don't want nobody to be here (that's a double negative, but I meant it that way haha). I know I'm the one doing the hard work, but it's a very stressful time for Justin, and sometimes he needs to be able to step away for a few minutes. So, I'd like at least one other person to be there, just in case. I'm going to keep thinking and praying about it before I make a final decision. (I jokingly suggested to Justin that I have my three closest friends here while he and their husbands hang out in the backyard. He thought that was a fabulous idea lol.)
My parents came to town last weekend. Well, they were here from Thursday to Sunday. It was a nice, but quick visit. Justin and I and my parents went out to dinner while Alana, Justin's sister, watched the kiddos for a few hours. Then on Friday, while Justin was sleeping, the kids and I went to Brown Deer where my parents' hotel was. We hung out, went to a pumpkin farm/petting zoo, the kids swam in the hotel pool (with Grandma and Grandpa), and then we went out for pizza. It was a very full day! Saturday was pretty low-key. My parents took the kids up to the park and spent plenty of time playing with them throughout the day. We had dinner at our house, which I cooked (except Mom helped with the mashed potatoes). And then on Sunday, I skipped church. We went out for brunch instead. Then afterward, we went mattress shopping, and bought Josie a big girl bed (ie twin) and bedding! And by we, I mean my parents bought it, which is totally awesome. Her room looks great now, I think! Anyway, they left Sunday afternoon. All in all it was a really great visit. I just wish they didn't live so far away.
Oh yeah, Sunday was my birthday. I turned 32. It was pretty uneventful. I got some nice gifts from my parents, including a gift card to Archiver's! I can't wait to go shopping! Justin has given me permission to get a pedicure, so I'll take advantage of that soon too. I think I'm finally starting to look my age. I'm noticing more wrinkles on my face and a few grey hairs. Honestly, I don't mind the grey hairs too much unless they're right at the front of my hair line and sticking straight up. Those suckers get plucked out of my head. For now at least, I don't want to pluck myself bald. haha
Justin turns the big 4-0 in February, and I'm working on a big surprise for him. I know he hates the idea of being the center of attention, so I'm not throwing him a party. I've been saving up and earning money on my own to pay for this surprise. I've been baking cookies and bread and selling them to anyone interested. I've also been saving most of my spending money, which hasn't been easy. But between now and the end of February, I should definitely have enough cash for what I'm planning. (I know Justin doesn't read my blog, but I don't want to say exactly what my plans are, just in case.)
I've really been enjoying church lately. The kids are getting better being in service, and hopefully, they're getting a tiny nugget of truth here and there. Another great thing about church is all the friends I have there. And they're not just friends because we hang out, but friends that hold me accountable and pray for me and are good examples of Christ for me. I am so very blessed!
We had "revival services" the week before last, and they were fantastic! I didn't get to go to every one, but the ones I did attend were really awesome. I especially liked one message, which was mostly about rejecting the Holy Spirit. I haven't been moved that much by a sermon in a really long time. I did listen to it later online, and wasn't moved to tears again, but there is a lot of good meat for sure. Here's the sermon, if you're interested in listening to it.
I'm leading a mother's group called Mommies of Blessings, and it's been quite successful so far. I missed the last meeting, since my parents were in town, but the September meeting was awesome. (I can't remember if I blogged about it or not.) There are about 12 or so women that get together once a month to get to know each other better, pray together, and discuss a different topic at each meeting. We're also trying to meet on a different day with our children for a fun activity once a month. I've taken on quite a bit of responsibility preparing for the meetings, but I've learned that it's just as good (if not better) to go with the flow. I'm really looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in and through this group of Christian mommies!
I'm sure there is plenty I could say about my kids right now. But since this is already a pretty long blog, I'll write about them a different day. Hopefully, it won't take me three weeks to blog again. But if it does, assume it means I'm living life to the fullest with my wonderful family! 80)
Monday, October 3, 2011
Day at the Zoo
We were supposed to go to Swan's Pumpkin Farm today with a bunch of my mommy friends. I was really looking forward to taking the kids on a hay ride, petting the animals at the petting zoo, and picking out pumpkins. But one after another, for various reasons, people started canceling. So, two other moms (Marie and Mo) and our kids went to the zoo instead. It was such a gorgeous day; we couldn't waste it!
I've really enjoyed the zoo with the kids this summer. I brought the wagon today, which is easier to get the kids in and out of than the stroller. I let them have some freedom inside the buildings. They love getting close to the apes, big cats and especially the aquariums. While Josie was looking at a Mandrill (looks like a baboon), he ran up to the glass and hit it. She wasn't sure how to react at first, and then she cried. It didn't take her too long to get over it. I fibbed to her, telling her that he was just saying, "hi," when in reality he was probably being aggressive.
Here's a picture Marie took of us by the giraffes.
All in all it was a great day! Now, we just need to reschedule the trip to the pumpkin farm...
I've really enjoyed the zoo with the kids this summer. I brought the wagon today, which is easier to get the kids in and out of than the stroller. I let them have some freedom inside the buildings. They love getting close to the apes, big cats and especially the aquariums. While Josie was looking at a Mandrill (looks like a baboon), he ran up to the glass and hit it. She wasn't sure how to react at first, and then she cried. It didn't take her too long to get over it. I fibbed to her, telling her that he was just saying, "hi," when in reality he was probably being aggressive.
Here's a picture Marie took of us by the giraffes.
Can you believe both kids are looking toward the camera?! |
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