I don't understand why there is often a lot of emphasis put on the physical description of Heaven. I have no interest in pearly gates, streets of gold, a bejeweled crown or a mansion with many rooms.
If the entrance to Heaven is an old wooden gate, the streets are asphalt, everyone wears baseball hats and lives in studio apartments, I would be quite okay with that.
All the carnal things of this Earth that people put so much value in... why would they be worth anything when we're with the Lord?
I just want Jesus. Everything else is pointless without Him. There are a thousand songs I could sing to Him. A thousand words I could use to express my love and gratitude. And like the sinful woman, I look forward to the day when I can sit at the feet of Jesus, and pour out the perfume of my heart to my Savior.
Oh, how I love Him.

Monday, January 31, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Yadda Yadda
For the first time for as long as I can remember, I went to bed before 9:00. I read for awhile, and then had a wonderful night of sleep. I didn't get up until almost 7! I think I should do that more often.
Justin's birthday is one month from today. That means I have exactly one month to get down to my goal weight. Considering how poorly I have been eating, and the fact that I've gained weight, I'm not feeling too confident. However, that doesn't mean I can't try. Justin assured me that he still loves me, whether I reach my goal or not. Good to know, although I expected as much. 80P
As soon as we get our federal tax return, we're going to buy a queen size mattress and box springs. I can't wait! I suppose I shouldn't complain, since Justin and I haven't shared the bed in months. But, he's not going to be on 3rd shift forever (hopefully he can get a 1st or 2nd shift job soon!), and a full size bed just isn't big enough for the two of us. Plus, we have queen size sheets and a queen size comforter set. It would be nice to be able to put them to use.
Deuce finally took a bath without totally freaking out today. It was a little weird, since I've never put him in the bathtub without him clinging to me and wanting to get out, while crying of course. This time, he sat right down and started playing! And he had even more fun when his sister joined him. In fact, he cried when he had to get out! He might start getting more than one bath a week now that he seems to like it!
Judy is leaving later this afternoon, and then I have Proverbs 31 Bible study tonight. I suppose I should start preparing for that. Plus, my stomach is growling. Let's see if I can find something healthy to eat.
Justin's birthday is one month from today. That means I have exactly one month to get down to my goal weight. Considering how poorly I have been eating, and the fact that I've gained weight, I'm not feeling too confident. However, that doesn't mean I can't try. Justin assured me that he still loves me, whether I reach my goal or not. Good to know, although I expected as much. 80P
As soon as we get our federal tax return, we're going to buy a queen size mattress and box springs. I can't wait! I suppose I shouldn't complain, since Justin and I haven't shared the bed in months. But, he's not going to be on 3rd shift forever (hopefully he can get a 1st or 2nd shift job soon!), and a full size bed just isn't big enough for the two of us. Plus, we have queen size sheets and a queen size comforter set. It would be nice to be able to put them to use.
Deuce finally took a bath without totally freaking out today. It was a little weird, since I've never put him in the bathtub without him clinging to me and wanting to get out, while crying of course. This time, he sat right down and started playing! And he had even more fun when his sister joined him. In fact, he cried when he had to get out! He might start getting more than one bath a week now that he seems to like it!
Judy is leaving later this afternoon, and then I have Proverbs 31 Bible study tonight. I suppose I should start preparing for that. Plus, my stomach is growling. Let's see if I can find something healthy to eat.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
It's About That Time
Actually, it's well past that time. I have had plenty to blog about, but little motivation to do so. I just don't spend as much time on the computer as I used to. That's definitely a good thing, but I should be more diligent about keeping my blog updated.
The Wednesday before last, Justin, the kids and I drove to the Toledo area to visit my family since we hadn't gotten to see them for Christmas. It was a really great time hanging out with everyone, but it does get tiring chasing the kids all over my parents' house. They have two open staircases that Josie and Deuce love climbing up and down. My sister brought her new ?boyfriend? home for everyone to meet, and I think he won us all over, just like he's one my sister over. I love seeing her so happy, and I'm anxious to see how things go for them.
We came home last Monday evening, and then three days later, my mother in law came up to visit. Judy just loves her grandchildren, and would live up here if she could. She is always so helpful with the kids, and she loves washing dishes and doing laundry. She watched the kiddos while I went to my MOB (Mommies of Blessings) Squad meeting on Friday.
Speaking of blessings, what a blessing that group of women is to me! We meet monthly, and I enjoy myself every time. I hope the other ladies are blessed too! This month we talked briefly about Mary and Martha, and then spent some time discussing how to balance being a mom with the other roles we play (wife, friend, career woman, etc). I learned a lot and got encouraged in the process!
Yesterday morning, the MOBS leadership team (there are 6 of us) went up to the Dells for an overnight girls trip. Most of the girls enjoyed the hot tub, but I'm not much of a swimsuit chick. I pretty much stayed in the condo and relaxed. We had lots of great conversation, some bible study, ate way too much junk food, watched a movie, and played a rousing game of Farkle last night. I practically had to do cartwheels to get the party poopers to play a game. But once we got into it, they perked up and really got into it. I was the last one to go to bed and one of the first to wake up this morning. We left around noon, and stopped at Texas Roadhouse on the way home for lunch.
Oh by the way, I never mentioned some pretty big news. As of Thursday, January13th, I am no longer a vegetarian. I decided that 4 1/2 years was long enough. There are a variety of factors that contributed to my decision, but the main reason is that I realized I had started getting prideful about not eating meat. I try to pray Psalm 139:24 as often as I think of it, and that pride is an offense to God. So, now I can eat whatever you put in front of me. And I probably will.
So, back to my little trip away. I was really nervous about leaving Deuce. Josie was over 1 1/2 when I left her overnight, and I wasn't nursing her anymore. I was afraid that Deuce would lose interest in nursing or that my supply would go down. Looking back, it seems a little silly now. He was totally fine for Grandma! And of course, he nursed just fine when I got home.
It's nice to be home. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my life.
The Wednesday before last, Justin, the kids and I drove to the Toledo area to visit my family since we hadn't gotten to see them for Christmas. It was a really great time hanging out with everyone, but it does get tiring chasing the kids all over my parents' house. They have two open staircases that Josie and Deuce love climbing up and down. My sister brought her new ?boyfriend? home for everyone to meet, and I think he won us all over, just like he's one my sister over. I love seeing her so happy, and I'm anxious to see how things go for them.
We came home last Monday evening, and then three days later, my mother in law came up to visit. Judy just loves her grandchildren, and would live up here if she could. She is always so helpful with the kids, and she loves washing dishes and doing laundry. She watched the kiddos while I went to my MOB (Mommies of Blessings) Squad meeting on Friday.
Speaking of blessings, what a blessing that group of women is to me! We meet monthly, and I enjoy myself every time. I hope the other ladies are blessed too! This month we talked briefly about Mary and Martha, and then spent some time discussing how to balance being a mom with the other roles we play (wife, friend, career woman, etc). I learned a lot and got encouraged in the process!
Yesterday morning, the MOBS leadership team (there are 6 of us) went up to the Dells for an overnight girls trip. Most of the girls enjoyed the hot tub, but I'm not much of a swimsuit chick. I pretty much stayed in the condo and relaxed. We had lots of great conversation, some bible study, ate way too much junk food, watched a movie, and played a rousing game of Farkle last night. I practically had to do cartwheels to get the party poopers to play a game. But once we got into it, they perked up and really got into it. I was the last one to go to bed and one of the first to wake up this morning. We left around noon, and stopped at Texas Roadhouse on the way home for lunch.
Oh by the way, I never mentioned some pretty big news. As of Thursday, January13th, I am no longer a vegetarian. I decided that 4 1/2 years was long enough. There are a variety of factors that contributed to my decision, but the main reason is that I realized I had started getting prideful about not eating meat. I try to pray Psalm 139:24 as often as I think of it, and that pride is an offense to God. So, now I can eat whatever you put in front of me. And I probably will.
So, back to my little trip away. I was really nervous about leaving Deuce. Josie was over 1 1/2 when I left her overnight, and I wasn't nursing her anymore. I was afraid that Deuce would lose interest in nursing or that my supply would go down. Looking back, it seems a little silly now. He was totally fine for Grandma! And of course, he nursed just fine when I got home.
It's nice to be home. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my life.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Late Night Reflections
I should be in bed, but I've got about 5 loads of laundry left to do before I can start packing for our trip to Ohio. I'm really looking forward to seeing my family, and I know Justin is too. I saw them in November, but he hasn't seen them since July. For some, that might be a great thing, but he loves his in-laws. 80) Anyway, while I wait for the dryer to buzz, some random thoughts...
- Thanks partially to the deactivation of my facebook account, I am spending a lot more time playing with my kids. I think the fact that I've been keeping my laptop in the basement during the day helps prevent me from cruising the Internet when I should be spending time with Josie and Deuce.
- Speaking of Josie and Deuce, I love love love my babies.
- Josie is talking more and more, but her current favorite word is "yogurt." However, she doesn't really just say it. She shakes her said and yells, "yodurt!? Yodurt?!" She also says "okay" a lot, which isn't that cute or funny unless you actually hear her.
- Every night at bedtime, I pray with Josie. I'm pretty sure she doesn't always pay much attention. The other night in the middle of my prayer (and it's not very long), she started saying, "pizza!" And she often rudely says, "Amen" before I'm finished.
- I've recently started singing "Jesus Loves Me" to her before we pray. I didn't think she had much interest, because she often requests "Twinkle Twinkle" instead. But tonight, as I was tucking her in, she sort of said/sang "Jeeezusss..." 80) When I started singing, she tried singing with me.
- Deuce has been super cute lately too. (*buzzzzz* Folding a load of laundry.) He has learned how to clap, and gets so excited when you say, "yea!" while clapping. It's pretty adorable actually the way he giggles and smiles, showing off his four teeth.
- He stood by himself today for a good 30 seconds. And he was crying while doing it! Considering how well he cruises around the furniture, I think he'll be walking soon.
- Enough about the kids... let's talk about TV. I know I've said this before, but every time I watch "Parenthood," I'm reminded how much I like that show. It's probably my favorite show in a long time. If you haven't seen it, you should. But start from the beginning. Shows are always better when you get the whole story.
- Also, skinny jeans should only be worn by females, and preferably those with skinny legs. Never by men. I can't take a man seriously who wears skin tight pants. Ick. Thankfully I don't have to worry about my husband ever wearing skinny jeans.
- Skinny jeans remind me that that I'm having a hard time sticking to my strict diet. I had a bad eating (and drinking - hello Mountain Dew?) day today. No matter how good my intentions are, it's so difficult to eat well when I'm with family. Maybe I'll be able to do some walking/running on the treadmill in my parents' basement.
- I have been thinking lately about trying a whole foods only diet. I might do it as a Lent thing, or I may start sooner. Basically, I would be pretty much limited to the outside edges of the grocery store. l definitely eat too much crap that I can't pronounce.
- I am really looking forward to spending time with parents and siblings for sure. This Christmas was the first I had spent away from my family ever. I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband and delightful children and amazing friends, but that doesn't mean I missed being with parents and siblings.
- I'm ready for baby #3. Maybe not to be born right now, but I think I'll be ready for another baby by the end of the year.
- Next Thursday Justin's mom is coming to visit, and by visit, I mean babysit. Next Friday I have my Mommies of Blessings meeting, and then Saturday morning I'm leaving with Mo, Raven, Anna, Tracey and Margaret to go to the Dells for a girls' trip. I'm a little nervous to be away from Deuce, but hopefully if I pump beforehand and while I'm away, breastfeeding won't be too disrupted. I am looking forward to some great girl time though!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Great Day!
I've got 5 reasons why I had such a great day yesterday:
1. My friends Raven and Kim came over.
They came with a total of 5 kids, so we had a full (and messy) house in no time! That doesn't bother me, because I just love having the company. We just sat around and chatted like we usually do. It is such a blessing to have such great friends. And obviously, my friends aren't limited to those 2. 80)
2. I baked and ate some delicious peanut butter cookies.
Okay, this isn't necessarily a good thing, since I ended up eating most of them myself. If you need a great and easy peanut butter cookie recipe, try this:
3. Deuce is sleeping better.
He has been doing so much better sleeping these days. I'm trying to stick to my guns on letting him cry it out a little bit. I only let him go 5-10 minutes before comforting him, and it seems to be working. As soon as we get a door on his bedroom, he should nap even better!
4. My car got fixed!!!
This should probably be the #1 reason I had a great day, but it chronologically didn't get fixed until later in the afternoon. I certainly don't have an amazing car, but having a reliable vehicle, regardless of make or model is pretty important. It's so wonderful not having to depend on other people to give me rides. And it's even more wonderful to know that I'm not stuck at home. It took 4 weeks, and I think I handled it pretty well, but it's such a relief to be able to come and go (with the kids of course) as I please.
5. Ohio State won their bowl game against Arkansas.
OSU pretty much rolled right over Arkansas the first half, even though Arkansas is a really good team. The half ended with Ohio State up 28-10. OSU had no turnovers and no penalties. I was feeling super confident, until the second half got under way. Arkansas managed to score 15 more points (2 field goals, a touchdown and a safety) and hold Ohio State to one measly field goal! With a minute left, and OSU up by 5, they punted, and Arkansas blocked the punt! Yikes! They were definitely in scoring position. But thankfully, Arkansas' quarterback choked and threw an interception. Whew!! What a great ending to a great game played by 2 exceptional teams!
Today should be pretty great too. I went to the Y this morning for a nice workout. I went over 2 1/2 miles on the elliptical, and then ran a fast 1/2 mile on the treadmill. Deuce is currently napping, and Josie is intermittently watching "Finding Nemo" and bugging me. ;0) Our AT&T cable box isn't working, so no Sesame Street for the kids (and me) today, but that's okay. After Deuce wakes up, and probably after lunch, the kids and I are going to take a delightful trip to Target. We've got a gift card to start spending! Tonight, we're going to Bible study at church, which I'm really looking forward to! In the past month, I've only made it to church once!
1. My friends Raven and Kim came over.
They came with a total of 5 kids, so we had a full (and messy) house in no time! That doesn't bother me, because I just love having the company. We just sat around and chatted like we usually do. It is such a blessing to have such great friends. And obviously, my friends aren't limited to those 2. 80)
2. I baked and ate some delicious peanut butter cookies.
Okay, this isn't necessarily a good thing, since I ended up eating most of them myself. If you need a great and easy peanut butter cookie recipe, try this:
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
This time, I also added 1 tsp cinnamon, which added a really nice touch. I wish I had more self control when it comes to sweets though. If they're in the house, I want to eat them. I blame Raven and Kim for not taking some with them when they left. ;0)
He has been doing so much better sleeping these days. I'm trying to stick to my guns on letting him cry it out a little bit. I only let him go 5-10 minutes before comforting him, and it seems to be working. As soon as we get a door on his bedroom, he should nap even better!
4. My car got fixed!!!
This should probably be the #1 reason I had a great day, but it chronologically didn't get fixed until later in the afternoon. I certainly don't have an amazing car, but having a reliable vehicle, regardless of make or model is pretty important. It's so wonderful not having to depend on other people to give me rides. And it's even more wonderful to know that I'm not stuck at home. It took 4 weeks, and I think I handled it pretty well, but it's such a relief to be able to come and go (with the kids of course) as I please.
5. Ohio State won their bowl game against Arkansas.
OSU pretty much rolled right over Arkansas the first half, even though Arkansas is a really good team. The half ended with Ohio State up 28-10. OSU had no turnovers and no penalties. I was feeling super confident, until the second half got under way. Arkansas managed to score 15 more points (2 field goals, a touchdown and a safety) and hold Ohio State to one measly field goal! With a minute left, and OSU up by 5, they punted, and Arkansas blocked the punt! Yikes! They were definitely in scoring position. But thankfully, Arkansas' quarterback choked and threw an interception. Whew!! What a great ending to a great game played by 2 exceptional teams!
Today should be pretty great too. I went to the Y this morning for a nice workout. I went over 2 1/2 miles on the elliptical, and then ran a fast 1/2 mile on the treadmill. Deuce is currently napping, and Josie is intermittently watching "Finding Nemo" and bugging me. ;0) Our AT&T cable box isn't working, so no Sesame Street for the kids (and me) today, but that's okay. After Deuce wakes up, and probably after lunch, the kids and I are going to take a delightful trip to Target. We've got a gift card to start spending! Tonight, we're going to Bible study at church, which I'm really looking forward to! In the past month, I've only made it to church once!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Just Blabbing
Last night before he went to work, Justin moved Deuce's crib downstairs to his new room. Now he officially has a bedroom! Well, he still needs a door, but a crib is better than a pack and play, right?
I went to bed kinda early last night. I'm really trying, because I know getting enough rest is pretty important, both for my children and my own health. Too bad Deuce didn't get the memo. He decided he needed my assistance at 12:45... and continued needing it until about 2:15. I'm glad that I'm often able to drown out his crying, because if I allowed it to affect me too much, I'd go bonkers. Josie woke up once a night for what seemed like a long time, but she also slept for 12 hours a night and napped for a total about 3-4 hours every day. Deuce, on the other hand, sleeps about 9 hours, and doesn't nap very well. So I need to find a method to get him to sleep and stick to it.
I think tonight I'm going to try putting him down when he's drowsy but awake, and comfort him after 5 minutes of crying. When he relaxes, I'll put him back down. Assuming that he'll start crying again, I'll get him after another 5 minutes of crying. Repeat, except, wait 10 minutes. Do that twice and then move to 15 minutes, if necessary. I sure hope he figures it out soon! I'm tired of complaining about it.
On a positive note, Justin let me sleep in until after 8 this morning! He changed and fed the kids after they woke up too. I know I could've slept longer, but I'll take 5 1/2 straight hours of sleep without much whining!
My car still isn't fixed (although it now has a few new parts probably didn't need), but we're finally going to have it towed to a service shop this week. Hopefully it doesn't cost too much to get it up and running again. Being without a car for a month hasn't been easy, but I think I'm handling it better than I thought I would.
Oh, also positive, I weighed myself this morning, and I'm down 2.8 lbs from last Monday! If I can keep that up, I might have a shot at my goal weight. That means, no more baking banana cake with cream cheese frosting! It was pretty delicious, but not worth 8 points a piece! Yikes. Good thing I was able to send most of it with Justin to work where his workers could enjoy it. He said it got decimated. 80)
Today is going to be a good day. Or else.
I went to bed kinda early last night. I'm really trying, because I know getting enough rest is pretty important, both for my children and my own health. Too bad Deuce didn't get the memo. He decided he needed my assistance at 12:45... and continued needing it until about 2:15. I'm glad that I'm often able to drown out his crying, because if I allowed it to affect me too much, I'd go bonkers. Josie woke up once a night for what seemed like a long time, but she also slept for 12 hours a night and napped for a total about 3-4 hours every day. Deuce, on the other hand, sleeps about 9 hours, and doesn't nap very well. So I need to find a method to get him to sleep and stick to it.
I think tonight I'm going to try putting him down when he's drowsy but awake, and comfort him after 5 minutes of crying. When he relaxes, I'll put him back down. Assuming that he'll start crying again, I'll get him after another 5 minutes of crying. Repeat, except, wait 10 minutes. Do that twice and then move to 15 minutes, if necessary. I sure hope he figures it out soon! I'm tired of complaining about it.
On a positive note, Justin let me sleep in until after 8 this morning! He changed and fed the kids after they woke up too. I know I could've slept longer, but I'll take 5 1/2 straight hours of sleep without much whining!
My car still isn't fixed (although it now has a few new parts probably didn't need), but we're finally going to have it towed to a service shop this week. Hopefully it doesn't cost too much to get it up and running again. Being without a car for a month hasn't been easy, but I think I'm handling it better than I thought I would.
Oh, also positive, I weighed myself this morning, and I'm down 2.8 lbs from last Monday! If I can keep that up, I might have a shot at my goal weight. That means, no more baking banana cake with cream cheese frosting! It was pretty delicious, but not worth 8 points a piece! Yikes. Good thing I was able to send most of it with Justin to work where his workers could enjoy it. He said it got decimated. 80)
Today is going to be a good day. Or else.
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