- Thanks partially to the deactivation of my facebook account, I am spending a lot more time playing with my kids. I think the fact that I've been keeping my laptop in the basement during the day helps prevent me from cruising the Internet when I should be spending time with Josie and Deuce.
- Speaking of Josie and Deuce, I love love love my babies.
- Josie is talking more and more, but her current favorite word is "yogurt." However, she doesn't really just say it. She shakes her said and yells, "yodurt!? Yodurt?!" She also says "okay" a lot, which isn't that cute or funny unless you actually hear her.
- Every night at bedtime, I pray with Josie. I'm pretty sure she doesn't always pay much attention. The other night in the middle of my prayer (and it's not very long), she started saying, "pizza!" And she often rudely says, "Amen" before I'm finished.
- I've recently started singing "Jesus Loves Me" to her before we pray. I didn't think she had much interest, because she often requests "Twinkle Twinkle" instead. But tonight, as I was tucking her in, she sort of said/sang "Jeeezusss..." 80) When I started singing, she tried singing with me.
- Deuce has been super cute lately too. (*buzzzzz* Folding a load of laundry.) He has learned how to clap, and gets so excited when you say, "yea!" while clapping. It's pretty adorable actually the way he giggles and smiles, showing off his four teeth.
- He stood by himself today for a good 30 seconds. And he was crying while doing it! Considering how well he cruises around the furniture, I think he'll be walking soon.
- Enough about the kids... let's talk about TV. I know I've said this before, but every time I watch "Parenthood," I'm reminded how much I like that show. It's probably my favorite show in a long time. If you haven't seen it, you should. But start from the beginning. Shows are always better when you get the whole story.
- Also, skinny jeans should only be worn by females, and preferably those with skinny legs. Never by men. I can't take a man seriously who wears skin tight pants. Ick. Thankfully I don't have to worry about my husband ever wearing skinny jeans.
- Skinny jeans remind me that that I'm having a hard time sticking to my strict diet. I had a bad eating (and drinking - hello Mountain Dew?) day today. No matter how good my intentions are, it's so difficult to eat well when I'm with family. Maybe I'll be able to do some walking/running on the treadmill in my parents' basement.
- I have been thinking lately about trying a whole foods only diet. I might do it as a Lent thing, or I may start sooner. Basically, I would be pretty much limited to the outside edges of the grocery store. l definitely eat too much crap that I can't pronounce.
- I am really looking forward to spending time with parents and siblings for sure. This Christmas was the first I had spent away from my family ever. I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband and delightful children and amazing friends, but that doesn't mean I missed being with parents and siblings.
- I'm ready for baby #3. Maybe not to be born right now, but I think I'll be ready for another baby by the end of the year.
- Next Thursday Justin's mom is coming to visit, and by visit, I mean babysit. Next Friday I have my Mommies of Blessings meeting, and then Saturday morning I'm leaving with Mo, Raven, Anna, Tracey and Margaret to go to the Dells for a girls' trip. I'm a little nervous to be away from Deuce, but hopefully if I pump beforehand and while I'm away, breastfeeding won't be too disrupted. I am looking forward to some great girl time though!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Late Night Reflections
I should be in bed, but I've got about 5 loads of laundry left to do before I can start packing for our trip to Ohio. I'm really looking forward to seeing my family, and I know Justin is too. I saw them in November, but he hasn't seen them since July. For some, that might be a great thing, but he loves his in-laws. 80) Anyway, while I wait for the dryer to buzz, some random thoughts...
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