Eight days ago I started potty training Josie. Three is probably a little old to start potty training a child, but I really don't think she showed a lot of indications that she was ready. Although, as soon as I got a potty, she started showing interest. So, maybe if I'd gotten that earlier, things would be different. But that's irrelevant since I can't turn back time and do thing differently.
Overall, she's been doing a pretty good job (with #1 at least). Last Wednesday I began the process by having Josie go bottomless. I had several old towels and some Resolve on hand for the accidents I knew she would have. I also put a garbage bag and towel on the couch for when she sat. It really didn't take her long to figure out that she needed to pee in the potty. And before long, she was running to the bathroom all by herself without my assistance.
By the time Saturday came around, I was ready to go to the next level, and put undies on her. This has proven to be a bit more difficult since she doesn't seem to understand that she needs to take them off before she starts peeing. I have to keep my eye on her, because she'll often run full speed to the bathroom and sit down causing me to run after her and hopefully get her undies off before she starts going. Sometimes I'm successful and sometimes I'm a little late. And sometimes I don't even realize that she ran to the bathroom and she empties her bladder in her underoos while sitting on the potty. It's a bit puzzling why this seems normal to her, because it would certainly feel strange to me! But then, so would pooping in the living room.
Yes, I am learning that the poop aspect of potty training is a little more difficult than the pee. I've read that some little kids don't understand the sensation of having to go while others are afraid to. I think Josie falls into both of those categories. I've cleaned up more than my fair share of poop this last week and thrown several pairs of ruined undies away. Yes, I know I could attempt to clean the soiled underwear, but if you were me, you'd throw them away too. My daughter doesn't have a normal digestive system. At least it doesn't seem normal based on what comes out the other end. She almost always scores a 3 or 4 on the Rectal Deposit Scale (if 1 is water and 10 is rock), and therefore, her samples are usually pretty messy. We've been to several different types of doctors (including a pediatric gastroenterologist), and had many tests done, all that said she was "fine." Okay, enough talking about my daughter's poop issues, since none of you really care anyway. I'm hoping that she starts to understand what's going on in her body soon. Bowel control is generally a good goal to achieve.
The hardest part about potty training, for me, is the seclusion. Granted, I could take her wherever and just deal with the consequences, but I'd rather not add that kind of stress to my life. This past Tuesday was the first time out of the house. We went to Josie's speech therapy appointment, which is about 30 minutes away. She made it there with no problems, and most of the way through her session. But with about 10 or so minutes left, she started dancing, and her therapist brought her out of the room to me. And then we spent nearly the next hour in the bathroom stall. She had let some pee out in her her undies and shorts, so I took those off. I knew she had to go more based on the dancing and the grabbing. She'd never gone on a big potty, and I think it was a little scary for her. After about 40 minutes or so, she finally succumbed and peed in the toilet. Whew! I got her cleaned up and dressed, and then she started dancing again. Another 15 minutes went by before I finally got her to go poop in the toilet. It wasn't my idea of fun, but I knew I wasn't going to let her pee and/or poop in her carseat. I had a lot of patience and determination that day. I was not going to let her win, and I didn't!
Yesterday, we went to our friend's house for a play date. It wasn't very successful. I brought her potty, but she didn't use it once. She used her underwear twice instead. I'm not sure if she was just too distracted by her friends or what. I'm not sure when our next social outing will be. Wherever it is, it needs to be close to a potty, and I need to have extra undies and clothes with me at all times!
I know that this too shall pass. One day I'll be looking at much younger moms going through this, and I'll say, "I know what you're going through, and I'm so glad it's not me." Yes, someday I'll say that.
1. Ben's poop is also a 3 on a scale of 0-10.
ReplyDelete2. The poop part is way harder (or not, for our kids...hahaha...so puny).
3. I, too, throw out poopy underwear. At $5 a pack, whatever. My time and gag reflex are worth more than my bucks.
4. Hang in there!