Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Camera

Awhile back I had misplaced the charger and usb cable for our camera. I eventually found it, and decided to put them all together in a safe place. A safe place that I cannot for the life of me remember. We went without a camera until it really started driving me crazy. The kids were doing cute things that I couldn't capture for my scrapbooks (Yes, the scrapbooks that haven't been touched in months, but that's besides the point). I finally decided to go to Target and get a new camera. It's a Canon PowerShot that was $70 off its original price. And it was the display, which happened to be the very last one in the store. I wasn't in the mood to haul the kids (in sub-0 temperatures to another store for one in a box)  I don't need a fancy shmancy camera, but I think this one will do its job just fine. I do wonder if I'll ever find the old camera back though.

Here are some pictures I took this past week:

Contrary to her performances in professional (or at least talented) photo shoots, Josie does have a lovely smile. 80)

Josie loves her room.

You can see part of our newly painted kitchen behind her.

Deuce is getting cuter and cuter, as you can see. 80) He just turned 1 on Wednesday the 9th. It's hard to believe it's been a whole year already! Now if he would just sleep through the night, that would be awesome. He was on a roll for awhile, but between traveling to my parents' house and having his mom come visit, his schedule got off. Either way, he's adorable, so I forgive him every morning. 80)

He looks so sweet!

He likes playing in his sister's room, and vice versa.
He also likes playing with her toys. (At least it's not a doll in this pic.)

A few hours later...

Look at the presents mailed from Grandma Jones and Grandpa & Grandma Perryman!

Starting to get a little clingy.

Now Josie and Deuce are fighting over me.

He looks really excited about his new toys.
Just standing and chillin.
The next day...

Snuggling with Auntie Kim, and loving it.


  1. Oh my goodness! It feels like ages since I've seen picks. I can't believe he's ONE!!!! They're both getting so big and so cute. :)

  2. I know! Expect lots more pictures now that I have a camera!
