This evening I went to the Y for a step aerobics class. As I was driving through the parking lot looking for a spot, I noticed that there was a car parked halfway in its parking spot and halfway in the lane. I just want to say that I was really tempted to hit it with my car. In fact, I think it deserved to be hit or keyed or something. I mean, seriously? I'm not the best at parking, but if I don't do a good job the first time, I back up and try again. I, unlike many in this world, actually have consideration for others around me.
I also think that we should nuke Somalia and any and all pirate ships operating in that region of the world. I'm actually serious. We don't need another Black Hawk Down. That place isn't worth losing a single American life over.
I realize that the two situations have nothing to do with each other, except for the fact that the world would be better off without horrible parkers and Islamo-fascist pirates.
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