It's been a few days since I've written in my blog, so I thought I would play a little catchup.
Monday: Labor Day. Holidays are kind of pointless for us based on Justin's schedule. This past year or so he's been either working or sleeping during holidays. So, they get treated like any other day for the most part. Monday was no exception. The kids and I met my friend, Sarah, and her baby, Carson at Panera for lunch. We had a nice, albeit short visit. That was as exciting as it got that day.
Tuesday: I worked out with Mo early at the Y. I definitely I haven't been using my membership as muc as I ought to. Later, Kim very generously watched Josie and Deuce for about an hour while I went to an appointment on the east side. I visited her for awhile afterward. That night I had bible study at my house. Since it starts at 9, I like to call it "Night Owl Bible Study." We had the most people ever: 4, including me! Maybe next week, we'll have 5?! Kim and Sarah, and her friend, Christina came and we studied Romans 3. It took us an hour to get through the chapter, and then chatted for another couple hours.
Wednesday: I took the kids to Wal-mart to pick up a few groceries and a couple other things. Then we went to visit Raven and Max and Silas. I love that Josie is talking a bit more and interacting with other kids a little better. Lately she's been showing unsolicited affection, which is sweet. Deuce is at the point where I can usually put him on the floor, and he's pretty content. This works great for Mommy, because then I get to have an adult conversation. We had lunch there, and stayed till nap time. Last night we had church. Justin had to work, so it was just the kids and me. I'm really glad that the kids go downstairs for a little program/play time while the adults have bible study. I didn't participate that much, partly because Deuce was a bit cranky and hard to keep content. We started a study on the book of 1 John. Who knows how long it'll last, but it should be good.
Today: I decided to make waffles for breakfast. It was nice sitting down for breakfast with the whole family. (Hey, does anyone know how to keep waffles crispy? Every time I make them they're crispy when I take them off the iron, but get chewy after a few minutes on the plate.) Josie had to get some blood drawn this morning to check for lead levels since we live in an older home. I was impressed with how well she took it. She didn't cry or whimper or move much at all. I let her have her pacifier (right now it's only for sleeping) and I sang her a couple songs during the process. I'm so happy that it went so smoothly. Shortly after we got home, I got the kids ready to leave again. We stopped at Target for a quick diaper purchase (126 for $19.53 - not bad), and then went to Sam's for a play date with her kiddos. I think Deuce got more attention from the girls than he'd prefer. He better get used to girls giving him a lot of attention haha.
Well, it's Josie's naptime, as soon as I get up. I have plenty to do, but an afternoon nap always sounds delightful. I don't have plans for tonight or tomorrow yet, but Justin's mom is coming into town on Saturday, and staying until Tuesday. This means 4 days of sleeping in if I want!
Okay, I smell poop.
Oh, one more thing: Deuce started crawling this week.
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