Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Currently, our family vehicle is a 2000 aqua Chevy Cavalier. It is TIGHT. I actually meant that figuratively in a sarcastic way, but in all reality, it's tight literally. With the two car seats in the back, there's barely room for a normal sized human to fit in the front passenger seat. Don't get me wrong, this car was great for me before I was a parent, but it is by no means a car for babies in Britax (read humongous) car seats.

Justin and I plan to have more children. At least one, no more than three. We have got to get another, bigger vehicle before reproduction occurs. We've been talking about getting a new vehicle for a while. We have been focusing on a variety of 3rd row SUVs, because I will never NEVER never drive a van. Cool parents drive SUVs, right?

But then, I talked to my mom, and she talked some sense into me. Yeah yeah, vans are more practical for families with small children. They get better gas mileage, blah blah. They're roomier and drive more smoothly, yadda yadda. But they just aren't COOL...

Give me a P.
Give me an R.
Give me an I, D, E!

What did you spell? Pride! Say it again. Pride! What do I want?

Humility. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. I want to show my children what it means to love and serve Christ. What it means to be set apart from the world - not to be transformed or controlled by it. I want my children to know and believe that material things don't matter. So, Lord forgive me for my pride.

A van it is. Well, will be, someday.

This video helps too. Maybe vans ARE cool!

Swagger Wagon

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