I woke up this morning, and immediately felt the need to hop on facebook and find out what all my "friends" had been up to between the hours of 1am and 6am. Wait a sec. That's not allowed. It's been so long since my breakfast was not accompanied by status updates, pictures of my friends' kids, and posting comments that I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself.
I opened up my Bible instead, and continued in my study of Galatians. Well, I guess I shouldn't call it a "study" if I'm just reading and taking a few notes. But you get my drift. I read the Bible instead of facebook. And it felt good. 80)
That isn't to say that I didn't want to hop on fb several times today. In fact, I realize that I think in status updates. By that, I mean my thoughts almost automatically form into short, witty, amusing or grumbling statements. I thought of a few while driving to Wal-mart and back this morning. 80P Several times I caught myself thinking about how I needed to check this or that or contact this person about such and such. It's just kinda weird not having that constant connection. Thank God for my Blackberry.
I had to pause for a moment to make sure God isn't asking me to give that up too. 80) We're safe so far, as long as I don't let it get out of control. ;0)
So, what did I do today? Not much more than I normally do really. After breakfast and my Bible reading, the kids and I went to Wal-mart. Exciting, I know. I'm quite sure Mo and Julie are jealous. ;0) We ate lunch, I looked up some stuff on the internet (researching for Josie's Christmas presents), Josie went down for a nap, and then so did Deuce and I. Later, I picked up around the house, and did a couple loads of laundry. And, here's the kicker: I cut up some carrots and a cucumber. Man, I am boring. Well, at least I went for a run this evening. And then I baked brownies (Thank you Heidi), and proceeded to eat 6 of them.
I really hope that subsequent posts will be more exciting. Seriously, I need to get out more. Or at the very least have more inspiring things to say.
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