I don't particularly like Saturdays. It's the first day of the weekend for most families. Husbands are home from work. Families do stuff together. This has not been the case for our family in quite some time. My husband works 3rd shift, and his nights off are Wednesday and Thursday. This really means nothing, because he sleeps during the day whether he works that night or not. So, realizing that most people have plans on Saturdays, and it's just me and the kiddos, I tend to get restless and a little jealous.
Now don't get me wrong. Justin has a good job. He has a great salary and great benefits and unless he brings a weapon to work, he's not going to lose his job. Plus, he actually enjoys doing what he's doing now, just not the hours.
I don't know, maybe I'm being a whiny baby. Christians on the other side of the globe are being imprisoned, tortured and killed for the cause of Christ, and I have the audacity to complain about not having something fun to do on a Saturday. Nonetheless, I made plans.
First, I took the kids over to Mo's house after lunch to eat some dessert. I also picked up my Pampered Chef stuff that was delivered. (Thanks Mom for the early birthday gifts!) We didn't stay too long, because I had sort of planned to meet Kim and her kids at Kopps (see the 2nd sentence) for some more dessert. Don't judge me. When I left, I called Kim, and found out that she wouldn't be able to get to Kopps until right around Josie's naptime. I decided to drive out there myself. There are like 100 streets between Lake Dr (any farther east and you're in Lake Michigan) and 76th St. Driving out there at like 1pm in a warm car (no A/C), I don't know why it didn't occur to me that my children, especially Josie, would fall asleep. The least she could've (why is there a red squiggly line under "could've?" Since when is this not an acceptable contraction?) done was to zonk out *after* I got my custard. And of course, Kopps doesn't have a drive thru. Knowing that this was going to be her only nap of the day, I decided to drive around for an hour before I about put myself to sleep.
Don't you fret. I got a nutter butter sundae at Culver's. 80)
I didn't get much of my wifely duties accomplished today either. Like I said earlier, I accomplished my goal. Anyway, there are clean dishes on one side of the sink, and dirty dishes on the other. There are clean clothes to be put away, clean clothes to be folded, wrinkled clothes in the dryer and wet clothes in the washer. But there's a limited number of toys to be tripped over.
I did get some things accomplished though. In addition to my custard consumption, I also took a pretty lengthy nap. I read almost the entire first chapter of 1 Peter (I got interrupted with something, and never went back to it). I watched a somewhat interesting show on the History Channel. And I read a bunch of entertaining blog entries by a young pastor. My favorite so far is:
The one time Jesus did get wailed on: that time he got beat for a solid day and then got nailed to a piece of wood, and was legally dead for three days – that one time…even that couldn’t keep him down! Nothing’s more manly than standing back up from a royal beating, especially one that leaves you dead. And then he hunts down his friends who shrieked and ran off like a bunch of pre-teen girls when he was arrested…and Peter thinks Jesus is going to wail on him now…but instead they just hugged it out. That’s what guys do. They don’t hold stupid grudges. They hug it out. Manly. (From Jesus was a Scowling, Heartbreaking Lumberjack)
And then, I got a strong urge to go on facebook. This is the first time really since I vowed to abstain for 2 months. I resisted by typing up this blog. I enjoy writing. When I was in high school, my English teacher told me I would be a good fiction writer. I never pursued it, but I have often thought about writing a book. It has never gotten much further than my brain. Anyway, I'm saying this because if I love to write, and supposedly I'm not horrible at it (I at least have pretty good grammar and spelling skills), you would think I'd have a better blog. I'll get working on that.
But before I do that, I need to go to bed. It's going to be a short night and a long (blessed) day tomorrow!
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