For months I've been bringing Deuce into bed with me in the morning to nurse him so I can get a little more sleep. However, he now moves too much, and would probably fall out of bed (*ahem* again) while I doze. So when Deuce woke up before 6, I got up and nursed him in the rocking chair. I still got a little bit more sleep, and I got him to fall back asleep enough to be able to put him back in his crib for an hour. This will take a little getting used to, but I'm sure my body will adjust.
I went to the Y to put my new workout plan into practice. Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be circuit day. This morning I concentrated on chest and triceps. After a 5 minute warm-up walk, I did 10 push ups (the real ones), 10 triceps push downs and 10 chest presses with 12 lb dumbbells. Repeat 3 times. By the time I finished by 3rd set of push ups, I was getting pretty fatigued. I then got a quick drink (forgot my blasted water bottle) and spent 15 minutes on the elliptical. I changed up the incline and resistance every 5 minutes. After another drink, I did my ab workout. 20 regular crunches, followed by 10 reps on the hanging ab apparatus, and 10 lower back extensions. Repeat 3 times, except I did 20 left oblique and 20 right oblique crunches the next 2 sets. My muscles (especially shoulders) were definitely fatigued by the end. I kept my heart rate up for most of my workout, which is good.
By the time I got home, Deuce had just gotten up. I made myself a couple breakfast burritos and a couple quesadillas for Justin. I know it's not exactly breakfast food, but since he works 3rd shift, the morning isn't time for breakfast I guess. Anyway, I then gave Josie her breakfast, and attempted to feed Deuce his. He had no interest in bananas today. I will try again tomorrow.
I need to make my blog look a little prettier.
I also really to shower. Phewy!
I think I'm going to take the kids to the park today. It's a beautiful day out so I don't want to totally waste it inside.
Okay, my blog is prettier. 80)